Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Or should I do this:

I found this party{Hollywood Glam} on Mix Mingle Glow and what a fabulous one it is!! I'm thinking my soon to be 13 year old niece might really like this look better than the Rock and Roll. Gotta chat with her cause I really love what I see here!! :) Decisions. decisions.

Look at this food!!
For more pictures and info about this cool party go to Mix Mingle Glow!


  1. wow! thanks Lisa! what a compliment to be featured on your site! let me know if you end up going in this direction...I'd LOVE to see pix!!
    Good luck with the party (it was a HUGE hit w/ the 13 year old crowd). Actually, there were a couple of 15 yr. old friends who said as they were leaving, "We weren't sure what to expect with this party but what we learned was that 13 year olds really know how to party!". LOL!

  2. Hi Lisa! I just wanted to thank you for visiting my site and to let you know that I think you are an incredibly creative person! I do in-home jewelry parties so I thought your site would inspire me. By the way, what part of the county are you in that you still have snow? I feel for you, we used to live in Maine and there were years that there was still 2' of snow on the ground at Easter. I'm sure you'll be seeing things sprouting soon!

  3. How about mixing and matching? Why can't they have a red carpet at the Rock party (don't all rock stars have that? :) ) A great craft idea for the rock theme; Michael's has gianormous cardstock guitars that can be decorated anyway you want, I think it's like a 6-pack for 3.99, I can just see them all air-guitaring during karaoke.

    Still waitng on those party pictures :)

  4. I like the idea of a Rock & Roll Hollywood Glamour combo party! The food on sticks is such a fun idea!

  5. Hey Lisa I like the idea of mixing them both!!! You should totally try it!! I think I'll call you after I get done typing this, okay. I CAN'T wait til my party its gonna be ROCKIN!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!
    ♥lots of love,


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