Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Some answers :)

There are a couple questions about Amy's party so I thought I'd just do a quick post to answer them. Actually I had intended on explaining things a bit more when I did the post, but I got in a hurry and forgot.
The napkin rings ~ I cut 4 circles out of the fabric and just sort of bunched them together and put a few stitches in them and then added the button. They were then attached/stitched to a pipe cleaner that wrapped around the napkin. :)
The tablecloth is a piece of fabric I found at Hobby Lobby. When I was in line to pay for it there were 2 young ladies with dreads that said, "hey, she got some of that cool fabric". I knew then I had made a good choice. :)
You probably wonder why I didn't just dump the skittles out of the large vase and put the flower bouquet in there. The answer....I don't know!! What was I thinking? I did like the colorful look of the skittles, but goodness, I had flowers too. Oh well.

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